In this cozy almost childish-looking illustration are two characters standing side-by-side. The first character over is a boy with curly brown hair and light skin, who wears a blue-green shorts and yellow-green striped polo shirt with a white collar. He wears dark green shorts and red shoes. His knees elbows and wrists are blushed pink as if his joints hurt him. The second character is an adult woman with curly brown hair and light skin. She wears a purple V-neck shirt, a long blue-purple skirt, and brown shoes. They stand against a periwinkle background and it is clear they are related.
In this cozy illustration are three characters standing side-by-side. The first character (on the left) is a young girl with dark skin. She wears a white collared vest with a black bow on it and pink sneakers. Her hair is in afro pulls and in her hand she holds an inhaler. The second character is a female doctor wearing a white lab coat. She has her black hair in a ponytail, has medium-dark skin, and is holding a clipboard. The next character is a very young boy with brown curly hair and light skin. He wears a blue shirt with primary-colored circles, squares, and triangles on it. His shoes are also primary-colored and he is wearing jean shorts. He looks related to the woman and boy in the previous image. The figures stand against a periwinkle background.
In this cozy illustration are four heads that depict the same boy. He has light skin and brown curly hair. The top-left head smiles at the viewer from straight on. The top-right head smiles but is in profile. Both these heads are on a sky-blue background and are lit by a warm orangish light from the top. The bottom heads are on a dark blue background and are lit by a blueish light form the top. The bottom-left head is tilted forward and the boy looks angrily at the viewer. The bottom-right head is in profile and the boy is crying with a stream of tears falling down his visible cheek.
In this cozy illustration a young boy peeks around a doorway. Behind him is what appears to be a pediatric doctor’s office waiting room, complete with toys. He peers into an exam room where there is a sink and biohazard trash can. The boy wears a blue shirt with primary-colored circles, squares, and triangles on it. His shoes are also primary-colored and he is wearing jean shorts. He looks concerned.
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